Website HELP
In the navigation menu on the left side of the Home Page, click the page you want to view next.
Login and Register options are located at the very top of the Home Page on the right side. If you have logged in, they are replaced by Logout and Your Profile options.
New Residents
Click Register, then enter your Name (first & last), Street address, Email address, Phone number - home [enter cell if no landline], cell & work [if applicable] Employer’s name (if applicable), Hobbies and Occupation. Scroll down the screen to the Directory Preferences section. Next to the question Show Your Profile? Check the Yes box. Place a check mark in the box “I Am Not a Robot”. Then click Continue. Once your account has been approved by the Website Administrator your login credentials will be emailed to you.
Logging In
Click Login, then enter the Username and Password that was assigned. If you check Remember Me, future logins on this device can be made automatically. CAUTION: Do this only if you own this device. Then click Submit.
- Forgot Your Password?
Click Login, option that is located at the very top of the Home Page on the right side. Click on link under Submit that says “Forgot Password”. Enter your email address in the box that appears on the Forgot Password Screen. Then click Submit. An email will be sent to you that includes instructions for changing your password.
- Forgot Your Password?
Click Login option that is located at the very top of the Home Page on the right side. Click on link under Submit that says “Forgot Your Username”. Enter your email address in the box that appears on the Forgot Your Username Screen. Then click Submit. An email will be sent to you with your Username details.
Your Profile
Your password and your personal information, such as name(s) and address, are contained in a profile that is under your control. It's your information and you can change it whenever necessary. After you have successfully logged into the website with your username and password go to the right side at the top of the Home Page and click on Your Profile. On the next screen you will see the options that you can change.
- Change Username
Enter your Current Username and your Current Password to make this change. Then enter your New Username (The Username may contain only numbers, letters or _-.!@# with no spaces and must be 8 - 80 characters). Then click Submit.
- Change Password
Enter your Current Username and your Current Password. Then enter your New Password. Reenter your New Password in the Confirm Your Password box. (The Password may contain only numbers, letters or _-!@# with no spaces and must be 8 - 15 characters). Then click Submit.
- Update Profile
In your profile, enter or modify the fields that appear as necessary. Then click Save.
- Update Directory Preferences
- Your Directory Preferences
Select either “Yes” or “No” for Show Your Profile.
- Fields and Preferences
You can control the visibility of the fields in your profile in the member directory that others can see. Set to: “Everyone Can See” / “Only Other Members Can See” / “Hidden from All”.
Then click Save.
Your Level 2 Members
You may add an additional 10 level 2 members. Click on the add link to open the screen to create a profile for the new Level 2 user you wish to add. When you have entered the information requested Click Continue to submit your changes for approval to the webmaster. Note: A Level 2 User in a household is either the second person living in the household or any permanent or temporary member of the household you wish to have access to the website.
News, Announcements, Local Community Upcoming Events, Weblinks and Contacts can be viewed on this page without logging in. However, if you wish to submit a “Comment or “View Archives”” in regard to a posted "News" event, you first must Login. You must also Login if you wish to see the monthly "Upcoming Social Events".
About Us
Information about the community, its amenities and the variety of activities and events available to Knob Hill Farm residents can be viewed on this page.
A summary of the events scheduled for each day of a month in KHF can be viewed on this page without logging in. Click any event to see details, or in an open space above or below the events to see a complete list of that day's events. To submit a new event for approval and posting you must login. Click Submit a New Event, at the right top of the Calendar. Enter the event's details. Then click Save.
Only logged-in users can access the following pages.
A list containing each resident's name, address and home phone. Click VIEW to the left of any resident’s name to see more detailed information. The Search tool at the top of the page can be used to locate residents using partial information. For example: Member 1 First Name contains William OR Member 1 First Name contains Bill. To print a hard-copy of the directory, click Printer Friendly.
Executive Board membership, the Board's meeting schedule and a complete list of all Board minutes is listed on this page. Click any item in the minutes list to view the document.
Lists of the community's committees and activities, including contact information of the various committee chairman/chairwoman can be viewed on this page. Committee Names or Activities that are shaded in Blue link to the Committee’s own web page. Clicking on the name of the Committee or the Activity to view the webpage.
Community guidelines, policies, procedures, financial statements and other documents can be viewed and/or printed after clicking on the various documents listed.
Minutes from the current year or Yearly Summaries of past years for the following committees: Architectural/Landscape, Social, Finance, Community Relations, Common Grounds, Clubhouse Volunteers and Welcome can be viewed by clicking on the date of meeting listed within the Committee's table.
Clubhouse Rental & Borrowing, Architectural/Landscape (ALC) and other forms can be selected for printing. Forms should be submitted to the Chairperson named on the form.
For Sale
Residents can advertise items they wish to sell. To add a listing of your own, click Submit an Ad, then enter the event's details. Then click Submit.
Photo Albums
Pictures are organized into 3 categories - Event / General / Party. Use the Select Album dropdown list to view a specific photo album.
Contact Us
To contact the Webmaster, the Executive Board, the Managing-Agent, the Executive Board & the Managing Agent, the Clubhouse Manager or to place an event on the Calendar choose the option from the Send To dropdown list to designate the recipient of your message. Enter your name address, email and phone number along with your message. You have the option to attach 2 documents or pictures by uploading the file from your personal computer.
Then click Submit.
The community's administrative records are available to the current Executive Board and the current Managing Agent only.